I previously imagined verifying PayPal account using a bank account is very difficult but it is very easy. Usually we verify PayPal account using credit card or debit card. Verify PayPal using a debit card or credit card only takes a few hours the get your PayPal account verified. If you are using bank account to verify your PayPal account usually takes two to three days to make your PayPal account verified.
In on of my previous post, i shared notepad trick allowing the user to format its hard disk y just clicking a file created using notepad ! In this post, however i have decided to compile the entire list of notepad tricks instead of writing separate posts for each one of them (which is really a pain in the ass :p). Here goes the top 10 notepad tricks :
Hi,Thank you very much for visiting here. I'm Abhishek. I'am an student of class 10th.I knows a lot of tricks about Linux and Windows.My blog "Dad-Of-Hacking (DOH)" is about Ethical Hacking, Security Tips and Cracked Softwares.And full of cracked softwares Review My Profile>>